2023. 06.15. |
Thursday |
Competition Platform |
1. |
Andreea VALEAN
Andreea VALEAN: Scraps of sky
choreographer, performer: Andreea VALEAN (RO)
Andreea VALEAN (1998, RO) is a dancer and choreographer based in Bucharest, Romania. In 2020 she obtained the Bachelor’s Degree in Choreographic Arts Program at the National University of Theater and Cinematography “I.L. Caragiale” Bucharest, and in June 2022 finished the Master studies with the creation of the full-length performance “Nexus” – rewarded with the Best Performance title. As a ballerina, she collaborated with the Children’s Comic Opera between 2015 and 2017, performing as a first soloist. From 2017 until the present, she is a member of the corps de ballet of the Bucharest National Opera House, dancing in the company’s classical and neoclassical ballets.
She also is a member of the contemporary dance company Contemporary Creative Dreamers with which performs in Bucharest and other cities around Romania with “When Darkness Becomes Light”, “Nihil Sine Deo”, “The Last Raid of Humankind”, signed by Daniel Alexandru Dragomir. As a choreographer, Andreea created multiple short pieces “ Hold ON” presented at Young Choreographers Nights 2019, “Let me slip through your fingers” presented at Florence Dance Festival 2021, Earthly Links presented at Florence Dance Festival 2022, “Scraps of Sky” presented at The evening of Young Choreographers 2021 and Jerusalem International Solo Dance Festival 2022. In May 2022, I created the long-length piece entitled “Nexus”.

Scraps of sky |
2. |
Anna RUBIN, Zofia SALUGA: Shades of the soul
choreographer, performer: Anna RUBIN (PL), Zofia SALUGA (PL)
Anna RUBIN (2000, PL) Currently, I am in 7th grade at the ballet studio at the Krakow Opera House and I attend a community centre taking dance lessons there. In my journey of dancing I have attended dance classes in the adept group of the Krakow Dance Theatre and various workshops, dance groups. I started my adventure with dance in a community centre, which I have been attending ever since I was 18 years old, and since then I have been devoting myself to it, constantly deepening my knowledge and skills. Most recently, I took part in a project with Art Color Ballet, which culminated in this year’s performance in January. Taking part was a motivation for us to create a choreography together in which we could express ourselves artistically.

SALUGA Zofia (2001, PL) I started my dance training at the age of 7 attending classical dance classes until the age of 12. I then had a break, returning todance after 4 years. Currently, I am in the 7th grade of the Ballet Studio of the Krakow Opera House. I am mainly interested in contemporarydance, but I also train in classical, jazz and character dance to develop on many levels. I have taken part in many workshops and projects, themost recent of which was the performance “The Feast” created as part of the Art Color Ballet company. We decided to create a choreography for this contest to express our feelings and inspirations.

Shades of the soul |
3. |
NAGY Noémi Gizella
NAGY Noémi Gizella: Engram
choreographer, performer: NAGY Noémi Gizella (H)
NAGY Noémi Gizella (2001, H) she studied in Nemes Nagy Ágnes Art High School Dance Department. She was freelancer after school. She is studying modern dance at Hungarian Dance Academy now. Company and creators who works with she: Magyar Mozdulatművészeti Társulat, Győri Nemzeti Színház, Gera Anita-Dancelab, Góbi Rita Dance Company, Feledi Project, Inversedance-Zoltan Fodor Company. This is her first registration for the SzólóDuó Festival.
Engram |
4. |
Weronika AMBROZIK: “How… It all ends”
choreographer, performer: Weronika AMBROZIK (PL)
Weronika AMBROZIK (2001, PL) studies choreography at Music Academy in Łódź. She has participated in many dance workshops and worked with choreographers such as Jacek Owczarek or Krzysztof Skolimowski. She has presented her work in many competitions and won both in solo and group categories.
“How… It all ends” |
5. |
Sten RUDSTROM: She Comes In On Clouds (excerpt)
choreographer, performer: Sten RUDSTROM (USA)
Sten RUDSTROM (1960) Improviser/performer/choreographer, Berlin. He founded Action Theater™ Berlin; two improvisation ensembles: Streugut; and EAT (International Action Theater Ensemble). Recent performances: SAAL FREI/ Stuttgart (2022); ONCE! Festival/Freiburg (2019); 48Hours Neukölln (2020). He is the artistic director of the NOW! Festival of Improvisation/Berlin; Jury Award Winner 2022 Solo/Duo Festival, Barnes Crossing /Köln; and supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste, and Dis-Tanzen Solo.

She Comes In On Clouds (excerpt) |
6. |
choreographer, performer: Marta CASTELLETTA (IT)
Marta CASTELLETTA (2000, IT) studied at the Centro Arte Danza Novara and graduated in scenography, perfected herself at “Talent Day” NDT and KCDC Summer intensive.
She works as a dancer for Aterballetto, Bagart Ballet Company, Dolce & Gabbana, Moncler, Teatro Coccia Novara and for choreographers: Diego Tortelli, Giuliano Peparini, Barbara Gatto, Matteo Gavazzi, Riccardo Buscarini. As a choreographer she is the winner of the “Audience Award” Solocoreografico 2021.
This is the first work she creates on herself, putting herself on the line as a choreographer and dancer.

Nymph |
7. |
Selina KOCH, Mira Rosa PLIKAT
choreographer: Selina KOCH (D), Mira Rosa PLIKAT (D)
performer: Miriam RIECK (D), Mira Rosa PLIKAT (D)
Mira Rosa PLIKAT (1990, D) is a freelance dancer and choreographer. She studied contemporary dance at the Centre for Contemporary Dance at the University of for Music and Dance in Cologne, Germany . Before her career as a dancer, she studied visual art and art and psychology at the Technical University of Dortmund. Her experience in the visual arts has always had an influence on her performative works.

Selina KOCH (D) studierte an der Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln und an der National Academy of the Arts in Oslo. Sie erhielt 2019 ihren Bachelor in zeitgenössischem Tanz und arbeitet seitdem als freischaffende Tänzerin für und mit Choreograph*innen/ Kompanien wie Johannes Blattner, dem Tanztheater Erdmann-Rajski, MIRA-Company, Julia Brendle, Claudia Senoner und Yolanda Guitterez, sowie mit Lee Brummer und Israel Aloni, mit deren Junior Company ilYoung sie 2022 in Schweden arbeitete.

Miriam RIECK (1991, D) works as a dancer, choreographer and media artist. She engages with different concepts of space to explore approaches to matter, body and power structures. Her works have an interdisciplinary, multimedia approach and are often created collectively. She is part of the collective senzenberger|rieck, for example, in which joint bodily research meets in the interweaving of neo-materialist-feminist theories, a pop culture-referencing aesthetic and the resulting elaboration of specific physicalities. Miriam’s artistic focus is primarily on working towards a new understanding and perceptual schemes outside of human, binary systems and between the digital and the analogue.
8. |
Marta PIECZUL: Letter from Virginia
choreographer, performer: Marta PIECZUL (PL)
Marta PIECZUL (2002, PL) contemporary dancer and beginner performance artist. At the age of 18 she decided to pursue her career as an artist, since then she has been educating herself, training professionally in Poland and abroad. She participated in Etoile Professional Program by imPerfect Dancers in Italy, where she danced in “Euforia” choreographed by Walter Matteini and Ina Broeckx. Her previous choreographed solos are “stucked” presented on SzoloDuo Festival 2021 and “krzyk papieru” project created during the art residency in Przestrzenie Sztuki Katowice. She is currently dancing with Teatr Tańca Jazgot and studying Contemporary Dance at Chopin University of Music in Warsaw.

Letter from Virginia |
9. |
NAGY Enikő, KATONA Zsuzsánna
NAGY Enikő, KATONA Zsuzsánna: PTSD
choreographer, performer: NAGY Enikő (H), KATONA Zsuzsánna (H)
NAGY Enikő (2005, H) I am a student of the Győr Dance and Fine Arts Primary School and Technical College. I am studying here for the second year, in the modern-contemporary course.

KATONA Zsuzsánna (2007, H) Győri Tánc és Képzőművészeti Általános Iskola Szakgimnázium és Technikum tanulója vagyok ez az első évem ebben az iskolában, 10. évfolyamon modern-kortárs szakra járok.